Monday, August 31, 2009


so last night was a really big game against ohio county and the turn out wasnt what i planned. we started the game with some good intensity and had a little mess up in the beginning of the game that allowed them to make their first goal. the goal wasn't all that great but it was still a goal which put our team down 1 to 0. from this we played more intense playing a defensive game trying not to let them score again, but we were also trying to give our forward a breakaway up top to go score. in the last 2 minutes of the game we picked up the intensity even more and got the ball down the field for a corner taken by Hayden and bouncing off about 3 people before Jana got a foot on the ball to make the game tied 1 to 1. the buzzing of the timer for half time got everyone a great break which turned bad quickly after the sound of the buzzer. the lights on the field went out causing about a 15 minute delay in the game causing everyone to become relaxed and unfocused. when the lights finally came back on the game started up again with the second half i think we came out flat and on our heels not ready for their intensity. this brought our team down by a point on a silly shot put off by ohio county making the score 2 to 1. ths didnt bring us down but our defense was just having an off night and we couldnt get our passing together to get the ball up on our side of the field and keep it up there to make a goal. ohio county came out with even more intensity scoring a thrid goal and all of our heads hung low aafter that with no one thinking we could come back from 3 to 1 just brought the game from a high of beating one of our worst rivals to the lowest of low by allowing them 2 more shots on goal to complete the game 5 to 1. walking off th efield in shame and embarassment, tears swelling in my eyes holding them back till i got off the field. going home one unhappy camper for being so close and losing it all in the second half after a long unintentional break. having faith in my team to come out and want it as much as i did wasnt to much to ask i thought but we just really needed everyone on their A game and it just wasnt there. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Game of Doom!

So last night we one of the biggest games of the year for our girls soccer team, we played DAVIESS COUNTY! I personally was really nevous about the game and wanted to win so bad it made me sick to my stomach. before the game had started I looked in the stands for my parents and boyfriend, not seeing my boyfriend anywhere my mind got sidetracked from the game, and i just got plan out mad. The whistle to the start of the game and my anger towards my boyfriend not being there made the game all more important to me. At kickoff I was ready for take off and down the field I went not slowing down for anything or anyone. Not knowing that the newpaper photographer was there capturing my hard intense moves as i bodied a girl from daviess county off the ball he snapped the shot that would be on the front page of the newpaper in the sports section the next day. When i arrived home from the game thinking about the game the whole way home and how we lost 2-1 in the last 2 mins. and 30 secs. of the game from a goal that Paige Cramer lofted over 3 of our defenders and into the back of the net making that swoosh sound and the ball hitting the ground making that thud sound. That play kept running through my head as i sat there in my car. I'm not gunna lie i had tears streck down my checks all the way home not only because i lost the game but also because my boyfriend wasn't there to support me as i went against the only team in our district who hadn't been scored on yet. I wish i would of had the support from him to be there and i wish i would have taken the reason he gave me better than i did. i wish i would just listen to his reason, say it's ok, and move on but my mind doesnt work that way i react and get mad and sad, instead of understanding. now that i'm looking at how i acted last night i feel terrible for some of the things i said and how selfish i sounded. this game could have been a boom instead of a doom if only we hadnt fallen apart in the second half.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Being a senior is a lot harder than people made it out to be, i still have homework, and still have a lot to think about it's not all fun and games. I mean i didn't expect it to be easy as cake, but i didn't think I would have to stay up till 2 in the morning finishing homework. That's just crazy for me. I have a really easy day and then a really, really hard day at school, and I play soccer , I work on the weekends, and I have to try to keep everyone around me happy all the time. Life is hard! Sometimes I wish i could just take a breath and relax for a chance, but it doesn't seem like there is time for that anymore I have to much to do and think about. i always have school, work , and my future running through my head all the time and it just stresses me out, i mean I'm already getting the wrinkles on my forehead from all my stress. I am lucky to have people there for me like my boyfriend and family to help me out with all my stress. my mom and I went out last night and got our nails done for her birthday and went to eat which was a nice break but then i came home and was just slammed with homework and things to do. i just wish this year could be less stressful and get to the fun part already!