Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Some of my favorite shows I've learned from CHECK IT OUT!

The Best Shows Ever

I have recently become hooked on these shows dealing with home remolding and realtor selling. there is a great channel that provides you with nonstop new ideas, its called HGTV. one of my favorite shows to watch would have to be color splash, i have pulled a lot of creativity from David Bromsteads designs. he thinks the same way i do, he thinks by colors and shapes, he uses these two things to really bring a room together rather than taking expensive things to make a place look rich he uses great color themes that compliment one another and inexpensive art pieces that he creates. using the idea for a what the owner of the home has in mind and his own creative mind to create great rooms for his TV makeover homes. i enjoy David because he draws all his ideas out by hand and still uses color pencils to show how his inventive idea of color can really help to bring a room to life. thinking along the same lines as him and aspiring to be as creative as hm one day i continue to watch his show in love and fascinated by what David is going to do next.

Another show i really enjoy is called For Rent, the host, realtor, and designer being Jodi Gilmour. she is woman who helps people find places for rent in their home towns, she uses what they give her as an idea to find what they are looking for in a home if that location, hardwood flooring, multiple rooms, or whatever their needs may be. she shows them properties for rent and allows them to hear her ideas for problem ares that they may see in the building they are considering. using her idea plans and their own budget she get her customers settled in their new place and helps them to decorate using inexpensive ways to make the space really work for each person. using creativity and the work of her hand men she gets the job done under $1,000; this includes the place fully decorated all furniture moved in and ready to start living.
These two designers use inventive ways to make their shows enjoyable to watch and help me to learn a lot about real estate design, function, and new ideas for my own art work. so if your into home design and helpful hints on what to look for when your decorating your place or buying a new house, these shows give you helpful hints on what to look for and to not keep your expectations to high because if you do you will never find a home that fits all your needs. leave room for improvement in your budgeting and keep and open mind to see the full potential a place can hold.

please read this

i which that teachers would talk to one another and figure out what they are going to be doing so that students don't have to stress out about homework and tests. the reason students stress is because teachers don't communicate with one another to know everything that is going on for example we could have 3 projects do all around the same time, and having chapter tests on the same days, more than two tests that are hard should not be put on the same day. i really wish that all teachers would take into consideration that school is not students only thing that they do. some kids have jobs, others play sports, some are in clubs that require work outside of school, and others would like to have a social life and have a little fun their senior year. its not that i don't think teachers have a hard job, they do, but i wish they would take the students side of hearing this and understand what I'm saying. if teachers would talk to one another they could understand what students mean when there stressed out. students would probably do better in school and work harder and have better looking test scores and projects if teachers would find out when they are do those things so they wont all be at the same time.

a good example of this student is me, i have a job, go to school, play two sports, am involved in clubs and other extra curricular activities that involve my friends and family. i enjoy school and making good grades. this is why it is so hard for me not to get stressed when i hear i have three big projects do all around the same time or have big tests worth a lot of points on the same day. I'm undergoing this stress now as I'm typing this, I'm too young for this. i know that teachers are just trying to prepare us for college, and the real world, but now if it can at all be helped shouldn't the teachers just talk to one another so this doesn't happen for us now while were in high school. right now at school i have great example of too much at one time, i have work Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays, i have three big projects due really soon, a couple big tests next week that i know of, a volunteer project Friday night, visiting the Louisville campus next week, and my new sport beginning. it sounds like a lot because it is a lot! I've always been able to get everything done though, but i still stress out every time. i just wish teachers would take what i have to say into consideration, this is what i know you guys really need to hear. this method of communication could really help out test scores and improve kids GPA's dramatically. i hope that you will read this to understand our stress as kids and think about my suggestion. i would like you thoughts on my idea if you have the time....

Monday, October 26, 2009

A plan and I would like your thoughts?

My passion is art, but like every other artist i have to get my name known in order to make it in this business. my dream is to open a consignment shop, which is like a used clothing store but the clothes are in good shape and show a different kid of creativity. inside the consignment shop i would also like to play up my art by incorporating my own gallery for my artwork. and to make this place even more original i would like to have a little cafe area towards the back for a just a peaceful, organic, and fun area to drink your coffee and read a book. this place is meant for all ages and all types of people, it had everything from high fashion art made by me, used clothing that is unique and inexpensive, and little place to chow down and relax or chat it up with your friends. you can do three things in one shop, eat, and have a fun time; this is a functional, fun and inspiring place that i hope one day could become a reality for me.
More in depth to take the first step forward into this new and inventive idea i decided to draw everything out and decide the design, colors, food used, and everything i could think of. getting this started has really got me to thinking this idea is going to come over time and require me to save money and start making a name for myself now so i will have clientele later when this dream becomes a reality. starting off with a saving account and putting some money aside every paycheck i get will get me to where i need to be when the time comes. also having good friends around when the opening happens will start the business off on a good foot and bring about more business when the word gets out about my new shop. this new idea has also got me to thinking i need to make connections! not sure how to do this yet i know it is something i have to start now in order to get things moving in this fast moving economy.
Having the details was easy and here are some that i have come up with: decorative art on the walls that is made by me, a neutral colored wall to really make the wall art pop and not distract the buyers from the artwork itself because it doesn't look good on that color wall. there will be rods on two walls holding most of the clothing which will be separated by size and style labeled for people to see for easy buying. wooden flooring to create a simple and easy to clean flooring that appeals to the eyes and helps to tie in the natural feel of a lot of my artwork. the lighting will be pieces that i have designed and inset lighting that will brighten up the room and provide a good lighting on my art work and make the clothes look sheik and new like they would in a store in the mall. there will be an L shaped desk that will hold a register, my laptop, a debit card machine, and a pot that will burn incense to give off a good aroma to appeal buyers to think that what they are buying is natural and if all the senses are working together it will cause people to pay more money for what they are buying and think what they are getting is worth what they are paying. decorative table tops will draw a buyers eyes to something and think what they see is fun and funky, i would place jewelery and hats and other items on the table to get more buying to help support my business.
Towards the back of the shop i would have a little cafe area with a long L shaped bar seating and eating area with a small table in the middle of the shop for a couple to sit and talk while they eat. in the corner of the shop close to the back door i would have a bay window in which people can sit and read while they drink their coffee and just relax to the calming smells of coffee and brownies with the sun shinning in on them to make warm and lite. the cafe will have sandwiches, smoothies, desserts, veggies, and fruit. sandwiches include: Pb&J, turkey, BLT, and grilled cheeses; smoothies: raspberry, strawberry, mango, coconut, orange, pineapple, banana, and more; fruit: apples, oranges, bananas, grapes, strawberries, raspberry's, blueberries, kiwi, and more; veggies: carrots, broccoli, and salads; and of course there will be coffee, and cokes, but never forgetting the comfort food the desserts consisting of: brownies, cookies, banana bread, and cinnamon rolls.
From the inside of the cafe part there will be a door to the back of the building in which will be more seating for eating and socializing. there will be two tables outside that will be able to with stand all weather conditions that are colorful and fun with designs. the ground will be concrete so that people can draw on it with sidewalk chalk for a fun and youthful vibe so every ones little artist can come out. another creative idea and kind of disgusting idea is that with everything that you purchase at my shop or cafe you will receive a piece of bubble gum, but once you get done chewing the gum you stick it to the wall outside to make a bubble gum wall. this wall will be different with all different colors of gum and each person that is a customer at my place will have a special place on the wall of gum.they take a piece of me with them and i get a piece of them with their own sidewalk chalk art and bubble pieces in their own special places.
This idea is hopefully a reality for me in the future and i would like to know what people think of my idea and have their input on what they think i should do to make it even better...
Thanks, Molly Blandford
*(The Original Idea)*

Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Lesson Learned

okay so this fall break i was supposed to go visit the UofL campus for my official campus visit, but this didn't happen. the story goes a little something like this i went up to Louisville following my friend and by the time we got into the town of Louisville it was dark, which was pretty scary for me because i don't like not knowing where I'm going. when suddenly we come up to this light and we are in a turning lane only and i try to cut over still following my friend and flipping out because i have to ride over this median and cut off another driver. after almost getting into a wreck my trip was starting off fantastic; me and my friend finally arrive at her house where I'm going to be living while attending college to see what the house is like and meet her family to make sure this is going to work out. the house was great, it was large enough to hold two families, and it had a pool and a hot tub :). having gotten to see where i would be staying while living there helped me to get an understanding of how much stuff i would need to buy and get a chance to meet her brothers and mom who would also be living with us. her brother turned out to be pretty cool and her mom was really nice, this kind of bringing the trip back up to the level where i like it on the happiness meter. the night we go to bed not having talked to my friends mom about the visit to the college yet. the next day we wake up and go out on the town with my friends oldest brother; we visit a consignment shop and then me and my friend decide to hit the mall to do some shopping. looking up for the next day when our visit was supposed to be set up i cant wait to go visit the college. the real adventure was still to come. going home that night exhausted from shopping we talk to her mom about the campus visit and she says she couldn't get one set up for this week, and of course this makes the whole reason i came up to Louisville useless, but i still had fun. me and my friend the next day not having anymore money or anything to do we decide to head downtown and set up a visit ourselves, but not before we got lost for and hour on the campus. hungry and tired because the trip wasn't how i planned i start to get a little aggravated and tell my friend i have to eat something or I'm just going to get really mean. we quickly find a McDonald's and chow down, feeling much better with some food on my belly we finally find where we are supposed to go and make our appointment with the admissions office. still wishing to have visited the campus and little mad that this whole trip i had been wasted i decided to then look at the bright side at what i had gotten from his trip . i learned to not get mad at something that wont change, stay calm under pressure, eat when your hungry, and i got to catch up with an old friend. happy to have gotten some good things done the big problem was still to come i still had to go visit my sister, taking the lessons that i learned from Louisville i set off for Lexington and made it there and got what i wanted done by using these news lessons i had learned. I'm glad I'm learning now because i know down the road college is only go to bring more lesson learning so getting a head start now is a great beginning.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

wendell foster volunteering

A new experience for me was this Saturday when i went to the Wendell foster home to help with a family fun day and volunteered to help some of the young ladies and men whose families couldn't make it. i was taken back when i saw my buddy and the severity of his disability, only ever really being around special needs kids as severe as Melissa and Cody. but my guy was even worse off he couldn't walk, talk, or control his bodily functions, it made me sad at first to see his condition but then as the day went on i go to understand what he could understand and we created a bond of music and talking to one another. we had this maraca when i first came up to him and he was rattling it like crazy, not yet understanding his reasoning for having it. then as we entered the cake walk they played music and Ryan began to dance impressed by his love for music and the movement of dancing in his chair really brightened Ryan's face and completely changed his attitude then understanding only why he had his maraca to play. connecting with Ryan made me have a deeper understanding for these special needs people with Cabral palsy. volunteering at Wendel foster was a great thing for me to do giving me a broader perspective of the severity of disabilities people can have and how they deal with these everyday handicaps. taking a new a bigger look at things is good for all people to do, i would like to suggest that if anyone thinks their life is terrible they should take a new look at life by volunteering your time to help these very special people and understand you have it easy compared to them and they keep living everyday to the fullest, never having dull moment.