Monday, October 26, 2009

A plan and I would like your thoughts?

My passion is art, but like every other artist i have to get my name known in order to make it in this business. my dream is to open a consignment shop, which is like a used clothing store but the clothes are in good shape and show a different kid of creativity. inside the consignment shop i would also like to play up my art by incorporating my own gallery for my artwork. and to make this place even more original i would like to have a little cafe area towards the back for a just a peaceful, organic, and fun area to drink your coffee and read a book. this place is meant for all ages and all types of people, it had everything from high fashion art made by me, used clothing that is unique and inexpensive, and little place to chow down and relax or chat it up with your friends. you can do three things in one shop, eat, and have a fun time; this is a functional, fun and inspiring place that i hope one day could become a reality for me.
More in depth to take the first step forward into this new and inventive idea i decided to draw everything out and decide the design, colors, food used, and everything i could think of. getting this started has really got me to thinking this idea is going to come over time and require me to save money and start making a name for myself now so i will have clientele later when this dream becomes a reality. starting off with a saving account and putting some money aside every paycheck i get will get me to where i need to be when the time comes. also having good friends around when the opening happens will start the business off on a good foot and bring about more business when the word gets out about my new shop. this new idea has also got me to thinking i need to make connections! not sure how to do this yet i know it is something i have to start now in order to get things moving in this fast moving economy.
Having the details was easy and here are some that i have come up with: decorative art on the walls that is made by me, a neutral colored wall to really make the wall art pop and not distract the buyers from the artwork itself because it doesn't look good on that color wall. there will be rods on two walls holding most of the clothing which will be separated by size and style labeled for people to see for easy buying. wooden flooring to create a simple and easy to clean flooring that appeals to the eyes and helps to tie in the natural feel of a lot of my artwork. the lighting will be pieces that i have designed and inset lighting that will brighten up the room and provide a good lighting on my art work and make the clothes look sheik and new like they would in a store in the mall. there will be an L shaped desk that will hold a register, my laptop, a debit card machine, and a pot that will burn incense to give off a good aroma to appeal buyers to think that what they are buying is natural and if all the senses are working together it will cause people to pay more money for what they are buying and think what they are getting is worth what they are paying. decorative table tops will draw a buyers eyes to something and think what they see is fun and funky, i would place jewelery and hats and other items on the table to get more buying to help support my business.
Towards the back of the shop i would have a little cafe area with a long L shaped bar seating and eating area with a small table in the middle of the shop for a couple to sit and talk while they eat. in the corner of the shop close to the back door i would have a bay window in which people can sit and read while they drink their coffee and just relax to the calming smells of coffee and brownies with the sun shinning in on them to make warm and lite. the cafe will have sandwiches, smoothies, desserts, veggies, and fruit. sandwiches include: Pb&J, turkey, BLT, and grilled cheeses; smoothies: raspberry, strawberry, mango, coconut, orange, pineapple, banana, and more; fruit: apples, oranges, bananas, grapes, strawberries, raspberry's, blueberries, kiwi, and more; veggies: carrots, broccoli, and salads; and of course there will be coffee, and cokes, but never forgetting the comfort food the desserts consisting of: brownies, cookies, banana bread, and cinnamon rolls.
From the inside of the cafe part there will be a door to the back of the building in which will be more seating for eating and socializing. there will be two tables outside that will be able to with stand all weather conditions that are colorful and fun with designs. the ground will be concrete so that people can draw on it with sidewalk chalk for a fun and youthful vibe so every ones little artist can come out. another creative idea and kind of disgusting idea is that with everything that you purchase at my shop or cafe you will receive a piece of bubble gum, but once you get done chewing the gum you stick it to the wall outside to make a bubble gum wall. this wall will be different with all different colors of gum and each person that is a customer at my place will have a special place on the wall of gum.they take a piece of me with them and i get a piece of them with their own sidewalk chalk art and bubble pieces in their own special places.
This idea is hopefully a reality for me in the future and i would like to know what people think of my idea and have their input on what they think i should do to make it even better...
Thanks, Molly Blandford
*(The Original Idea)*

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