Tuesday, October 27, 2009

please read this

i which that teachers would talk to one another and figure out what they are going to be doing so that students don't have to stress out about homework and tests. the reason students stress is because teachers don't communicate with one another to know everything that is going on for example we could have 3 projects do all around the same time, and having chapter tests on the same days, more than two tests that are hard should not be put on the same day. i really wish that all teachers would take into consideration that school is not students only thing that they do. some kids have jobs, others play sports, some are in clubs that require work outside of school, and others would like to have a social life and have a little fun their senior year. its not that i don't think teachers have a hard job, they do, but i wish they would take the students side of hearing this and understand what I'm saying. if teachers would talk to one another they could understand what students mean when there stressed out. students would probably do better in school and work harder and have better looking test scores and projects if teachers would find out when they are do those things so they wont all be at the same time.

a good example of this student is me, i have a job, go to school, play two sports, am involved in clubs and other extra curricular activities that involve my friends and family. i enjoy school and making good grades. this is why it is so hard for me not to get stressed when i hear i have three big projects do all around the same time or have big tests worth a lot of points on the same day. I'm undergoing this stress now as I'm typing this, I'm too young for this. i know that teachers are just trying to prepare us for college, and the real world, but now if it can at all be helped shouldn't the teachers just talk to one another so this doesn't happen for us now while were in high school. right now at school i have great example of too much at one time, i have work Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays, i have three big projects due really soon, a couple big tests next week that i know of, a volunteer project Friday night, visiting the Louisville campus next week, and my new sport beginning. it sounds like a lot because it is a lot! I've always been able to get everything done though, but i still stress out every time. i just wish teachers would take what i have to say into consideration, this is what i know you guys really need to hear. this method of communication could really help out test scores and improve kids GPA's dramatically. i hope that you will read this to understand our stress as kids and think about my suggestion. i would like you thoughts on my idea if you have the time....

1 comment:

  1. Well said, Molly! I hope your teachers listen. (If you want, I'd be happy to post your piece on my website, stophomework.com Check it out and let me know what you think. Or email me: sara@stophomework.com
