Tuesday, September 22, 2009

the broke artist

this year i took an IB art class and have became very interested in the artwork i do, so interested money has become no factor to how far i will go. for example to day i had an idea of what i wanted my next piece to look like and to get all the supplies i needed i went on an adventure to my new favorite store, Hobby Lobby, to buy my goods. when i stepped in the store my eyes lite up with joy and i went straight for the floral decor. knowing what i was looking for made it actually harder to find because the flowers had to be the specific colors of the colorful roses i had previously taken photos of. after finally finding several flowers that were sufficient i went back to the back to make sure the piece i had bought the day before would look okay with the flowers i passed by an array of quotes that captured my attention all dealing with love which is the symbol of my piece this time. as i read the quotes i realized i had an ingenues idea to make my piece even grander. i walked around and gathered some great quotes and in doing so i stumbled across the most amazing piece that went perfectly with the thing i had bought the day before and i just knew it would all come together with this metal hanger type thing. getting all the supplies together and assembling right there in the aisle seeing it all together just told me for sure this is what i was going for and was great. satisfied with my great finds and thinking nothing of the price yet i arrived up at the cash register with a huge grin of accomplishment when all of a sudden i heard the terrifying price. not wanting to give up everything i had looked for i just swiped my card and held back the tears as the money was swiped from my bank account into the hands of the over priced economy. i call my mom first thing and tell her the stupid thing I've done and she just reassures me that art is expensive and that she knows i have a passion for it, which might catch up to me one day and make a dying poor artist one day like Van Gogh, but that its all worth it just to see the look on my face and the faces of my viewers when they see the final piece i have created.

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