Monday, September 21, 2009

these darn blogs!

AHHH technology !
okay so i used to love writing in our notebooks last year and the first thing i bought for school was a cute, little, purple journal. just as i had got used to the journals last year she decides to use technology this year and make us write blogs. i have nothing against blogs except for the fact that they are on the computer, and i have spastic computer a lot of the time that just decides not to work. i do like the fact that on blogs you can comment on what other people say because i would like to know how many people actually enjoy writing these blogs... blogging can be fun and easy if only technology always worked, but that's just the case this afternoon i was trying to do this blog and it kept logging me in and out and then i went to the bathroom for like 5 minutes and my computer just decides to shut off. do you know how frustrating it is to try and get things done when technology isn't on your side, well let me tell you first hand it is exhausting how much time i waste on just trying to get something to work the way it should. it doesn't really help that I'm technologically challenged and should probably take a computer 101 class and with more patience I'm sure this whole blogging thing wouldn't be so bad. does anyone else feel this way towards this darn blogging or just plain out dislike technology in general?

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