Tuesday, September 8, 2009


commitment is the key to all relationships, you have the trust issue and the loyalty to uphold. my relationship has had its up in downs in the past two years. which doesn't feel as long as that. we've dealt with the loyalty portion last year when we both had to figure out what we needed from one another to stay together. he ended up lying to me and getting caught never a good situation. at this moment in time I just wanted to crawl up in a hole and figure out what i had done wrong for him to want to lie to my face about something so big. it still to this day doesn't really make sense. his logic was he was scared i was going to leave him and then he would be all alone, but in a relationship that's the risk you are willing to take. you have to trust one another, and tell the truth no matter how bad it may be. now having resolved the whole loyalty issue we have moved on to trust which we both struggle with. our commitment to one another and love we share kept us together during that emotional time. we now just stay truthful to one another and tell each other what we are doing when we're not together. this still has its faults because in the back of my mind I'm always wondering if he's just lying to me again to keep his butt safe. we spend more time with one another and try to support each other in everything we do. this commitment has taken time, patience, loyalty, trust, and lots of love and support from others. most people these days don't understand the meaning of commitment, maybe that person is me, but i fellas if this definition works for me and my relationship and am happy to say it has supported us through hard times and good times. today September 9th is our two year anniversary, and we are still hanging in just like the rest of the world only fighting off the world as a couple rather than as individuals.

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