Sunday, September 27, 2009

my favorite place to go

there's a place that everyone has that they want to go when they are upset, need to think about things, and have a good time. well i have found me one of those places that has a great view, is quiet most of the time, and is a great place to go fishing. this place is relaxing and shows great qualities that have made this the best place to go when I'm upset or scared or just plain happy. i think everyone needs one of these places to go to when they think they have no where else to go, some people can merely just escape in their mind and leave all that they have behind and escape into a world of their own. this is what i do when i escape to my favorite place. where i go to get a lot of thinking done and inspiration for my art projects comes from this special place. a lot of people know about this place and may even use it as their secret get away but nobody knows its mine which is what makes it so special to me. a get away where nobody can find me or get a hold of me a secret outdoor area i can call my own, kind of like the garden in the book the Secret Garden, ever since i read this book i dreamed of a good get away place and now that i can drive I've got a good place of my own. A Dream Come True, Not Asking A Lot Of Anything...

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