Sunday, November 29, 2009

making new friends

making new friends after you've been with someone for a really long time can be a hard thing to do, but it is possible. you know how when you date a person for so long your friends and his friends kinda clash so you move towards one of the groups more than the other, not because you don't like one of the groups its just one group has more things to go do. well this happened in my relationship with my ex and it seemed like if we ever broke up i would have no real friends anymore, because all my friends were now his friends. when we did break up i tried to go back to my same group of girl friends but that was hard because they all have boyfriends of their own so you just feel like the third wheel. not wanting to sit at home all day i decided I'd rather be a third wheel than a loner, so i call up some of my old girlfriends and try to get them to hang out. because they knew that i still loved them as a friend, they weren't to offended that i hadn't been hanging out with them as much as i did before because they all knew what i was talking about when it came to boyfriends. finally getting someone to invite me to go with them somewhere i jump on the opportunity and tag along with her and her boyfriend. but they had other people with them who were single and being around single people made my night even better because then i didn't feel like the third wheel. getting to know some new people and finally feel like i was being myself again after so long of being smothered by one person i opened up and had a really great time with some new people that i feel like i can hang out with and call my friends.

I'm actually having one of my new friends over today to work on his psychology fair project with me, i know its not much but at least I'm still making it without the person i have basically put my last two years of life into. now that i have learned what to do i think making friends will be a breeze and moving on will come in its own time, but i shouldn't try and force it upon myself or anyone else. so cheers to breakups and making new friends, anyone who has been in a relationship knows what I'm cheering about.

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