Thursday, November 19, 2009

thanksgiving turkey

you know the memory you have from thanksgiving from when you were in elementary school making paper turkeys using your hands. you know when your teacher gives you a piece of paper and says, "trace your hand to the paper and that will start you off on your turkey." having fun moving your pencil around your hand trying to make it as close as possible to the way the teacher had done it, and looking up to see that your behind still tracing the hand to the brown construction paper. your trying to make sure you do as good as possible so you can give it to your parents to hang up for the thanksgiving dinner. hurrying to catch up with the teacher to cut the hand out of the brown paper and catch up with everyone else. then all of a sunned your teacher is hanging you a piece of white paper and she says to glue the brown hand down to the white paper so we can add the feathers and legs. getting out crayons you begin to follow the coloring patterns of your teacher to get the legs drawn with three pointy things and a line for its legs. then the teacher begins to tell you the history of thanksgiving as you work on the coloring. drawing the beak, eyes, and red gobbler we then get to the fun stuff, coloring with reds, oranges, and yellows to make pretty large feathers. getting your choice of colors and placement and still trying to do your best you finally get done with the paper turkey and being proud cant wait to show it to your parents. going home for thanksgiving break you give your parents the turkey and they love it, hanging it up for everyone to see as we have our thanksgiving feast. a big smile on your face as people comment on the cute paper turkey, something everyone has done before.

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