Friday, November 27, 2009

forgiveness :( POEM by me

The white rose symbolizes the hope for fogiveness, and the red symbolizes the hope to still love...

why do people have to make mistakes? i mean i know everyone isn't perfect, but without the big mistakes in life there would be a lot less pain. i mean think about it more parents would stay together, relationships would last longer, friendships would be forever, and no one would have to cry anymore. everyone has those moments of messing up and then having to jump back to save their butt, in order to keep the ones they love closest to them without driving them away. no one wants to drive the people they love away it just sometimes happens int he worst way, you just want their forgiveness so bad and they give it to you but you still feel like crap from making such a big mistake. so then you try and be to over barring and loss all control of sensibility that is just enough to drive them away. i wish we could just learn from mistakes and the ones who cared about us would forgive and forget, they can do the forgiving part but most never forget especially the guilty one.

" i never meant to push you away,

i just wanted you to give me another day,

a day of hope,

a day to drop,

all the bad mistakes,

and all the fakes,

i never meant to push you away,

i just wanted to be selfish and have you for one more day..."

I'm sorry for all my bad mistakes boo, please lets go on living our lives hopefully with each other, we've made it through tougher times and this is no different, lets just work things out and forget all the bad things, but never forget the lessons learned.

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