Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Trading lives

if i could trade my life with someone, it would have to be my grandma! she is an amazing character who is full of life even all the way up into her 80's. she never stops living for the moment and believes in second chances, true loves, and a good time all the time. she has her rough days, just like anyone, were all she thinks about are the people she's lost that are so dear to her, but then she remembers all the great people shes met throughout the years that still surround her with the presence of their beauty. she has amazing stories to tell and much wisdom behind her years, this wisdom in-which she tries to pass down to me and my sisters everyday. she helps us with sticky situations weather it be boys, money, or morality.
for years past i feel like i have just take my grandma for granite, but these days every moment spent with her feels like a new memory for cherish because who knows when her last memory with me will be. my grandma inspires me to be the best person i can be and live each moment to the fullest never letting anyone or anything stand in my way. she had taught me to be strong, independent, loving to all things good or bad, and most of all to cherish every memory because one day they will be the things that keep you around.
she tells me god has a purpose for everyone and everything he does you may not understand his reasoning now but one day that door that he closed for you will only lead to you opening anew door to discover new things, weather that be love, money, or just more precious people awaiting your presence.
if a woman can be in her 80's and still have the courage to live on her own, take care of her own home/farm, drive, cook and have an excellent memory never forgetting a holiday or birthday that seems like a good person to learn from and even trade a day in time with.

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