Sunday, January 31, 2010

life is like a game of chess you can move one pone forward but that can bring you back one move in the game. something so small like the move of a pone can be so intuitive to the movement of the game that it can cause your opponent the upper hand on check mate. life is similar in the since that if you want to take that first step forward in your life and don't really think about the consequences this microscopical move can turn to something monumental. without these moves that makes things so monumental life would be a bore with no excitement and no pain. i know a life with no pain sounds good and all just like thinking you are up on your opponent by moving that pone to that square. without pain no one would really know what the fulfillment of happiness would really be. no winner to the game is a world of hurt but there must always be a winner because in this game of chess each piece must be moved; just like in life, it will go on. through all the bad you discover the good and take from it to make that check mate your gain the next time around.


wilting trees losing their life in these cold moths but capturing the shimmering ice as the frozen water fall from the sky, with wind chilling days. white nights as the snow falls to the ground and, western winds chilling the faces of southerners working up the courage to make a new years resolution and, work over your fears of the icy roads and slushy snow beneath your tires. work out all the kinks in your life that make you unhappy while the water is freezing over awaiting blades to scrap the top layer. white snow untouched, sitting atop the ground so innocent until that first foot print is made and all innocence is lost. wide open doors to shops and stores were customers trample each other for that on sale gift that every kid wants for Christmas winter is a time of wilting, winding, windy nights were darkness envelops the light of day...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Advice of a Dog

What advice would a dog give me about life if it could talk?

1. don't procrastinate doing something (Commands) your told to do, if you do your reward (treat) will be farther from your grasp (Harder to eat).
2. when someone is mad at you tell them how sorry you are and make up for your wrong doing. Dog translation "If you pee on the carpet give them the big puppy and take your punishment."
3. Always be there for a friend in a time of need. Dog talk "sit in owners lap when they have a bad day they are always the one helping you in your time of need."
4. never take someone for granted. doggy speaking, "you are my best friend and i don't know what i would do without you, you give me all my necessities and more."
5. don't eat or drink everything random people or friends give you. puppy interpretation, "sitting under the table waiting for food to hit the floor can be good at the moment but cause great surprises later."
6. take time to meet new people and help them along the way. dog talking, "stop and sniff a few butts on a walk, make some friends who look lost."
7. don't take something that isn't yours. puppy chat, "if you take a $300.00 pair of shoes to practice your chewing abilities on make sure to be ready for the consequence of taking something that wasn't yours."
8. learning something new can be rewarding. dog talk, " learning a new trick can lead to more treats."
9. always keep a lookout for the ones you love. dog translation, "be alert to bark at the door if someone strange comes to the house, keep guard of your owners."
10. don't be distracted by the little things in life remember to always look at the big picture. doggy input, " if you see a squirrel in the street don't just run out and get it, be sure to look for the bigger objects like cars coming in your direction."

GOSH I'm an Idiot

to recount all the stupid things I've don't you would have to follow me with a video camera to get all of those in the moment crazy stupid things I've done!

here is one that comes to me now, but it would be more funny if you were there to see it...

driving down parish with a flat tire and singing at the top of my lungs already running late to school when all of a sudden a lady pulls over in the turning lane and is motioning me to roll down my window. when i do so I'm already so embarrassed because i was singing and dancing probably shaking my whole car, and she saw me doing this. i thought she was going to make fun of me or something, but turns out she was tyring to tell me i have a flat tire. wow! i mean i didn't even realize i had a flat tire after driving down the road for more than 5 minutes. the flat tire was even on the drivers side i don't know how i didn't notice it when i got into my car, and how i didn't even realize i had a flat tire after i started driving. i guess i had my music to loud and didn't notice the balance issue because i was dancing. now i have to pull over at a gas station at 8:13 in the morning and pull all the junk out of the trunk of my car so i can get to my donut wheel. when i get everything out and try to figure out what to do first, while I'm calling my mom, dad, and boyfriend to come rescue me but no answered of course. so I'm sitting on the ground on the verge of tears when all of a sudden these two guys come help me change my tire faster than anything I've ever seen. i end up only being 5 minutes to school.

so yeah that's my idiotic story of the week !! ha ha... it's just so ME :)

ugly words


1. mucus

2. lobe

3. through

4. pus

5. roar

6. crayon

7. rural

8. whisk

9. squish

10. folk

11. snout

12. cliff

13. cement

14. spangled

15. spagetti

16. pacifier

17. itch

18. pimple

19. wrinkly

20. lent

21. retard



My possibilities for the next 12 months are already becoming realities. I'm already trying to stay out of drama, but that hasn't happened for me yet. i try to do things to settle feuds between old relationships but rather than being grown up about things and just talking things out, they have their girlfriend text me and call me complaining. and rather than him just telling the truth he lies. so i give up! i want no more drama for 2010, but i don't think this is what the people around me want. moving on from that subject though i have found new friends and relationships. these next 12 months are beginning to look up for me. i have a new boyfriend now and he's one i hope to keep because he is cute, sweet, funny, and he likes me for me. i also know i have the possibility of graduating high school with an honors diploma and going off to college to get started on my degree, art therapy. the possibility of making it to my birthday is questionable, but if i do then i will be sure it is the greatest 18th birthday ever. and the way things are going now with new friends and fun experiences i think ill make it for two more days then a new age bringing on new responsibilities and even more memories. so 2010 possibilities are looking good, i just hope others are taking on change with the new year too so in the future things can be even better.


I dont believe in bad luck but i do believe in carma. carma can be a B**** as people say, and i believe it to be true. i think bad lucj isnt something that just comes upon you its something you make for yourself through the things you so and say. there are so many different types of superstition and saying of having luck that i dont see how anyone can know them all to believe in them. but i do think someone made all this stuff up, maybe it was the lepercons. haha just kidding. i dont think superstition exsists its all in your head or what your grown up being told. in reality though god is the master of your life so nothing is left to fate if your in his hands. now what i do believe in is carma, which is when one person gets a payback down the road for either something good or bad that they've done.

Reading Mentor Ship

taking on reading mentor ship was not only a responsibility but a privilege. i got to leave campus every other day and have a certain time frame to be back, just how the real world is going to be. the privilege of this class was getting to see my kindergartners see me as not only another student but something of a teacher and a friend to talk to . i really enjoyed this class of wound up kids, they really taught me a lot about how to be more like ea kid again but take on responsibility when needed. the teacher Mrs. Roberts was an excellent person from whom i learned a lot of new things. she taught me how to make the classroom not only a place of discipline and learning but how to take the mind of a kindergartner and hold their attention span by doing an activity that would keep them enthused while still learning the lesson at hand. after only about a week of being at this class i began to learn every kid's name and become so familiar with each kid and their way of working, really made mt job a breeze. i would just watch and help when needed. there were those days when these children new when to give you a hug to make you feel wanted and yell Ms. Molly as you walk into the room. this really makes for a great welcoming form such innocent eyes looking up at you as they have their arms wrapped around your waist. the times in this class weren't always so giddy however; when it came to some of the kids who were already learning to disrespect not only the other children, but also their teachers. this is when the discipline played a role in warning cards and letters of bad demerit went home to the parents. i really hated having to get on to kids at such a young age, but it was time for them to understand what the word "NO" really meant, and when someone older tells you to do something, you do. so this class wasn't just a builder for me but a new lesson learned with each and every kid the second i walked into that classroom. i really enjoyed not only getting to know every child but also having conversations with Mrs. Janie, Mrs. Roberts teacher aid, about why the kids were acting the way they were and how i could go about helping them. making it ever so clear to that helping kids is what i want to do for the rest of my life. i want to major in art therapy where i can help out disturbed kids through the expression of art. this class was an experience i will never forget, really helping me to put into perspective how the real world is going to be, and confirm a career choice.

My autobiography used for sweet 16

One word that describes me would have to be extrovert. ever since the day i was born, my om said, "I've never met a stranger and never been afraid to try something unexpected." i love to be competitive not only in sports but in academics as well, being number one isn't always the biggest thing to me but the idea of working as a team and being a leader keeps my drive to win high on my list. determination is another word to describe me; I'm driven because i know what i want tot do with my life now i just need to figure out how to get there.

My awards while at Apollo consist of academics, leadership, and athletics. i have been on the all A or A/B honor roll since arriving at Apollo. i was on the homecoming court for two years in a row, and elected by my class to be the secretary of student council my freshman and sophomore year. along with these awards i was also picked as captain of the girl's soccer team not only because of my great attitude but leadership skills for the other girls to follow. for four years i received the 110% award for soccer, because every time i stepped onto the field i was always encouraging my teammates and never willing to give up.

I think the eagle family has made me aware of how a school can be more than just a place to learn but an extension of my family. saying hello to people in the morning and always having a smile back takes my bad days and makes them a little brighter. the way the faculty and the students work together to make this school the best it can be makes me glad to say I'm a part of its family.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Years poem

This year's been a rough
Lots of tears but still
i had my share of cheers.
Starting this new year
off with the ones i love most,
But spending that time
with him feels like nothing to boast.
Too many tears shed as
all the thoughts run through my head.
I had, what i
consider, something real to remember.
It was a year of friend
making and love chasing.
But with this new year
of twenty ten there will be nothing that can bring me to my end. Starting my new
year off fine, but never forgetting two thousand and nine.