Thursday, January 28, 2010


I dont believe in bad luck but i do believe in carma. carma can be a B**** as people say, and i believe it to be true. i think bad lucj isnt something that just comes upon you its something you make for yourself through the things you so and say. there are so many different types of superstition and saying of having luck that i dont see how anyone can know them all to believe in them. but i do think someone made all this stuff up, maybe it was the lepercons. haha just kidding. i dont think superstition exsists its all in your head or what your grown up being told. in reality though god is the master of your life so nothing is left to fate if your in his hands. now what i do believe in is carma, which is when one person gets a payback down the road for either something good or bad that they've done.

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