Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Advice of a Dog

What advice would a dog give me about life if it could talk?

1. don't procrastinate doing something (Commands) your told to do, if you do your reward (treat) will be farther from your grasp (Harder to eat).
2. when someone is mad at you tell them how sorry you are and make up for your wrong doing. Dog translation "If you pee on the carpet give them the big puppy and take your punishment."
3. Always be there for a friend in a time of need. Dog talk "sit in owners lap when they have a bad day they are always the one helping you in your time of need."
4. never take someone for granted. doggy speaking, "you are my best friend and i don't know what i would do without you, you give me all my necessities and more."
5. don't eat or drink everything random people or friends give you. puppy interpretation, "sitting under the table waiting for food to hit the floor can be good at the moment but cause great surprises later."
6. take time to meet new people and help them along the way. dog talking, "stop and sniff a few butts on a walk, make some friends who look lost."
7. don't take something that isn't yours. puppy chat, "if you take a $300.00 pair of shoes to practice your chewing abilities on make sure to be ready for the consequence of taking something that wasn't yours."
8. learning something new can be rewarding. dog talk, " learning a new trick can lead to more treats."
9. always keep a lookout for the ones you love. dog translation, "be alert to bark at the door if someone strange comes to the house, keep guard of your owners."
10. don't be distracted by the little things in life remember to always look at the big picture. doggy input, " if you see a squirrel in the street don't just run out and get it, be sure to look for the bigger objects like cars coming in your direction."

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