Monday, February 8, 2010

Ways to say No without saying No

1. Yea right-sarcastic way to say no

2. Not in a million years- old saying for a big NO.

3. Naw man- gangster talk

4. Over my dead body- no in a hateful way

5. Or not- when someone asks you to do something and instead of just saying "no" to what they want you to do you say "OR NOT."

6. Wouldn't you like to know- This is when your talking to someone you don't want to tell something to and instead of saying "no," the way to make them mad is to say this.

7. Aw man- The other team just made a goal someone is the stands doesn't yell out "NOOOO" they yell out "Aw man" or curse words. ha ha

8. Its a possibility- This always means no when your parents say this.

9. Non- French for NO

10. Nope- that's the way i say no when I'm in a good mood.

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