Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Letting you back in!
Do I Live Purposefully?
IB Art
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Big Green Booger
Trading lives
for years past i feel like i have just take my grandma for granite, but these days every moment spent with her feels like a new memory for cherish because who knows when her last memory with me will be. my grandma inspires me to be the best person i can be and live each moment to the fullest never letting anyone or anything stand in my way. she had taught me to be strong, independent, loving to all things good or bad, and most of all to cherish every memory because one day they will be the things that keep you around.
she tells me god has a purpose for everyone and everything he does you may not understand his reasoning now but one day that door that he closed for you will only lead to you opening anew door to discover new things, weather that be love, money, or just more precious people awaiting your presence.
if a woman can be in her 80's and still have the courage to live on her own, take care of her own home/farm, drive, cook and have an excellent memory never forgetting a holiday or birthday that seems like a good person to learn from and even trade a day in time with.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
St. Patty's Day
St. Patty's
Green Leprechauns with pointy ears
The sounds of coins is what one hears
Rainbows are the secret to the gold
So with some luck they will unfold
Coins of many shapes and colors
Found because of Leprechauns lovers
Rainbow colors shouting towards le fin
Show the luck of the Irish in a bin
Four leaf clovers
And green ice cream from Culvers
Making for a beer goggle night
Bringing forth lots of Irish pub fights
And the knocking out of lights
On the joys of being and Irish Leprechaun
Never strays to far from being gone
Keeping a strong state of
mind and being so determined can sometimes make my life stressful. Without the
gratification of completing something my life would consist of very little free
time to just relax. Having to make appointments and lists makes for a full day
but with a full day come purpose to life rather than doing nothing all day long.
Being productive feels good at the end of the day, but having some ME time
is what I really need. So from this point forward I'm going to take it day by
day, get as much done as I can but still make time for ME time. With that ME
time there will be less stress all the time and more time to do what I want
rather than just what I need to do.
Lessons learned
Having made lots of mistakes and still adding on one mistake I can never seem to rid myself of is y.o.u. meaning youthful. out of control. unforgiving. These three things are lessons people still learn from birth to death, never really riding yourself of your youthful ways. Out of control actions and mind set and your willingness to forgive the unforgivable.
If all lessons are to be learned the first time around everyone would be perfect making this world of imperfect people a bore. If the world was boring and fair all the time there would be no true human nature of choice and we would become a world of walking, talking, and doing robots.
So I thank God for my imperfect mistakes like y.o.u. because it makes the world something of an interesting character.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Reasons for Getting Tattoos
1. Most people get tattoos because they have some sentimental meaning behind them. a story to tell that can be displayed on your body for the world to see.
2. Others get tattoos because they want to show their expressions of likes and dislikes on the outward side of their body. its like a body suit of art allowing all to see the way they are.
3. Then there are those artistic people who use their body as a canvas to show the world on no better place than their own body, making as a gallery of art for different people to see everyday.
Now my reasons for getting my tattoos:
First off i like the pain received while getting a new tattoo. its like your whole body becomes numb with sensation of the needles hitting my skin and the fact that it is such a permanent move in my life that i can now make, makes it all the more worth while. i love the symbolism or story behind each tattoo and and the way they look on your body, I'm very artistic so having a saw in what kind of art i can display on my own body makes me feel like i have control and a beautiful piece of art to show for it. i love the way tattoos look on people and asking about why they got them there and why they got that, its a good conversation piece and makes for a beautiful piece of art that can be permanent. i myself have three tattoos and enjoy each one of them. i have three stars in purple, pink, and blue on my back between my shoulder blades for a representation of me and my other two sisters. then i got these angel wings on the sides of the stars because of this saying my dad would always tell me and my other sisters. he would say, "you girls are my three little wonders of the world and angels of the heaven." thus my reasoning for the stars because they are seen as the wonders of the world and the sky and the angle wings to the sides as a symbol for the my dads old saying and seeing us as his little angels. The other tattoo that i have is of a hark, which a type of bird, holding an olive branch in its mouth on the top of my foot. this one definitely hurt the most out of the three but was well worth all the pain in the end. the end result is a great piece of art that i can see everyday as a reminder of why i got it. i got this tattoo to symbolize the bird that left Noah's arc to go in search of dry land. returning to the boat with an olive branch to show the people that there was still a chance of living on this earth. this tattoo is a symbol for second chances, and putting it on my foot is another symbol as a thanks to god for letting me walk this earth that he left us with.
Who or What Makes Me Laugh...
Monday, February 8, 2010
Ways to say No without saying No
1. Yea right-sarcastic way to say no
2. Not in a million years- old saying for a big NO.
3. Naw man- gangster talk
4. Over my dead body- no in a hateful way
5. Or not- when someone asks you to do something and instead of just saying "no" to what they want you to do you say "OR NOT."
6. Wouldn't you like to know- This is when your talking to someone you don't want to tell something to and instead of saying "no," the way to make them mad is to say this.
7. Aw man- The other team just made a goal someone is the stands doesn't yell out "NOOOO" they yell out "Aw man" or curse words. ha ha
8. Its a possibility- This always means no when your parents say this.
9. Non- French for NO
10. Nope- that's the way i say no when I'm in a good mood.
long question, short answer
WIFE As ME:Why would you go the grocery
without telling me because if you knew me at all you would know
to always ask because i needed cereal, milk, eggs, bread, cheese, and bathroom
stuff, sheesh you idiot, just go get in your car again and get your little
butt back to the grocery?HUSBAND As ME:Sorry
honey bunny.ME:Why are the simple joys in
life like going outside and seeing a butterfly that's orange and yellow on a
sunflower so difficult to really enjoy when your so upset about other things
going on in your life, like your boyfriend breaking up with you?ME to ME:Simple joys are blinded by
boysME:Why do i look at my phone
every five seconds to see if you've text me back when i know my phone hasn't
buzzed or rang, the paranoia of you taking longer than 5 minutes to text back
always make me get a sick feeling in my gut, and then all i get back from a 3
page text is one letter "K"?ME to ME:Sorry i lied but my phone
just died.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
What is silly?
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
The Advice of a Dog
1. don't procrastinate doing something (Commands) your told to do, if you do your reward (treat) will be farther from your grasp (Harder to eat).
2. when someone is mad at you tell them how sorry you are and make up for your wrong doing. Dog translation "If you pee on the carpet give them the big puppy and take your punishment."
3. Always be there for a friend in a time of need. Dog talk "sit in owners lap when they have a bad day they are always the one helping you in your time of need."
4. never take someone for granted. doggy speaking, "you are my best friend and i don't know what i would do without you, you give me all my necessities and more."
5. don't eat or drink everything random people or friends give you. puppy interpretation, "sitting under the table waiting for food to hit the floor can be good at the moment but cause great surprises later."
6. take time to meet new people and help them along the way. dog talking, "stop and sniff a few butts on a walk, make some friends who look lost."
7. don't take something that isn't yours. puppy chat, "if you take a $300.00 pair of shoes to practice your chewing abilities on make sure to be ready for the consequence of taking something that wasn't yours."
8. learning something new can be rewarding. dog talk, " learning a new trick can lead to more treats."
9. always keep a lookout for the ones you love. dog translation, "be alert to bark at the door if someone strange comes to the house, keep guard of your owners."
10. don't be distracted by the little things in life remember to always look at the big picture. doggy input, " if you see a squirrel in the street don't just run out and get it, be sure to look for the bigger objects like cars coming in your direction."
GOSH I'm an Idiot
ugly words
Reading Mentor Ship
My autobiography used for sweet 16
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
New Years poem
This year's been a rough
year.Lots of tears but still
i had my share of cheers.Starting this new year
off with the ones i love most,But spending that time
with him feels like nothing to boast.Too many tears shed as
all the thoughts run through my head.I had, what i
consider, something real to remember.It was a year of friend
making and love chasing.But with this new year
of twenty ten there will be nothing that can bring me to my end. Starting my new
year off fine, but never forgetting two thousand and nine.